Parkhead Youth Project
Parkhead Youth Project is a company limited by guarantee with charitable status (SC023784) It offer a service designed to meet the needs of children and young people 8 - 24yrs residing in Parkhead and surrounding communities.
Our overarching purpose is to enhance the life chances of children and young people who experience disadvantages. We provide learning opportunities that affect positive long-term change, improve quality of life, promote social inclusion and peer interaction through a wide range of programmes and activities.
We are a non-judgmental and caring organisation that supports children and young people in realising their potential and abilities to make more informed and positive lifestyle choices. We provide structure and stability because we know many are disengaged from education, have chaotic family backgrounds and have few avenues of support. Our approach is ‘needs led’ and responsive to any issues and barriers children and young people face.
Youth Engagement
Youth engagement is at the heart of what we do. Regardless of background and circumstances we involve young people in the development, planning and decision-making process to influence positive change within the local community. The benefits of involving young people enhances their confidence, knowledge, connectiveness and explores issues that affect their lives. Young people’s opinions are heard, valued and acted upon through our youth committee.
Youth Inclusion
We promote youth inclusion by offering volunteering, employment, educational, groupwork programmes, streetwork and wider community events. We engage young people in meaningful activities that contributes to the overall regeneration of the local area. We want to ensure young people are making more positive life-style choices and feel supported to recognise and overcome any barriers.
Youth Development
Youth Development is the process of building positive relationships with children and young people to ensure they are safe, healthy, active, nurtured, achieving, respected, responsible and included (GIRFEC) We deliver a range of different experiences that broaden horizons such as, trips out, residentials and fun activities include creative programmes, recreational activities and life skills. This allows the young people to develop both emotionally and physically as well as prepares them to cope with any life’s challenges.